Design, Monkey!
Welcome to Design, Monkey!
Talk therapy for graphic designers, by graphic designers.
We dive into the real experiences of working designers and the impact it has on their mental health. We know that as designers, we are constantly pushing ourselves to meet deadlines, striving for perfection, and trying to stand out in a highly competitive industry. But all of this can come at a cost to our mental wellbeing. In this pod, we’ll talk about the struggles that we as designers face, from feeling like we’re not good enough to dealing with the stress of juggling multiple projects at once.
Design, Monkey!
Real Talk: Judy Olsen, Creative Director
Another entry in our Real Talk series, we talk with one of our favorite designers, Judy Olsen.
Judy is an award-winning designer with over 20+ years of experience in branding, package and print design. Eleven of those years were spent in Chicago working for brands like Dean Foods, Kraft, Quaker, Jim Beam Brands and G. Heileman Brewing.
Judy profiles her career as a professional designer, along the way she touches on her experiences with misogyny and agisim. One episode is not enough to capture all Judy has to say, we plan to have her back very soon.
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